This is the 13th newsletter from the Event Department for the month July 2023. We want to inform you drivers from the Event Department regarding how well drivers did in convoys. Also all the statistics in the events we did as Rising.
Rising Staff: Congrats Stappat for attending the most convoys this month. Attended 11 out of 17 convoys Gummy second with 7 convoys and the third place is for Luna Midnight with 6 convoys.
Rising Drivers: Congrats R-man for attending the most convoys this month with 5 convoys. Second place is for Foxxyblieu with 4 convoys and the 3rd place is for Obijs with 3 convoys.
Rising Logistics attended this month 17 convoys with an attendance overall of 75 drivers. That is 100 drivers less attendance than in June, but it is holiday season and a lot of VTC's are on a break. We expect the attendance in August also a bit lower, but in September climbing. We want to thank all the drivers who showed up in the convoys.
In ETS2 “normal” map it was a total of 11 convoys. (-3 with June) In ETS2 “ProMods” map it was a total of 3 convoys. (-4 with June) In ATS it was 2 convoys. (-1 with June)
On our own Public convoy was a great attendance. Even due to holiday season. We are looking forward to our Public convoy on 23rd of August. Rising Convoy #95 Inside Iberia
Dispo joined the Event Team.
We are looking forward to work with you people.
Gummy and ArneM16 left the Event Team.
Thank you for your work you did for us.
Thank you for attending and see you at the next convoy.
Stappat and RB1988 Event Managers | Rising Logistics