Rising Logistics

Rising Together

Staff of the Month - August 2023

By Tropical   |   01 Sep 2023 00:00 UTC | Updated on 03 Sep 2023 16:10 UTC

Rising Logistics is proud to announce our latest Staff of the Month award recipient, Luna Midnight!

Rising Logistics is proud to have Luna Midnight as part of our team! Her unwavering dedication and commitment to helping our company succeed is truly commendable. Luna's your presence and willingness to go the extra mile make you awesome!

Luna suggests new ideas to improve Rising Logistics. Her enthusiasm for innovation and her passion for making our company better is amazing. We appreciate your proactive approach and the fresh perspectives you bring, thank you Luna!

Luna's is willing to learn new things and take on new opportunities with open arms. We are grateful for you, Luna and I forward to continuing our journey together. ♥


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Tag: Rising Logistics
Language: English
Created: 23 Apr 2020 12:12 UTC
Supported Game
Euro Truck Simulator 2
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: [RL] GreenPepper2
Members: 22
Recruitment: Open