China LH Team 中国凛航文化传媒有限公司



By TX*Team*CEO* Chen Ge   |   14 Jun 2021 01:36 UTC | Updated on 23 Jul 2021 22:21 UTC

  • 中文
  • 2020年4月3日 欧洲卡车模拟2【中国·凛航】车队成立,同时也希望大家能与我一起带领【凛航】走向辉煌,下面发布【凛航】车队最新规章制度:
  • 联运问题,无法参加联运活动需提前向队长、副队长或任意管理提出请假要求,有专职人员做记录,不请假,不参加联运者按【逃避联运】处置(累计五次没有请假及不参加联运者将自动视为退游解除车队关系),严重者踢出车队并拉黑,
  • 车队不准出现【语言攻击辱骂他人】等行为(包括队友或其他玩家),【轻则警告,情形严重者踢出车队】
  • 车队出现【挖人状况】举报违规者有【红包、加速器奖励】违反者【踢出车队并永久拉黑】
  • 联运规定,【联运期间必须来YY】即使无法发言也要来,需要听从统一指挥【联运期间头尾车卡麦其他队员不准发言】【不听头尾车指挥者口头警告一次,第二次降级处理通过问卷考核通过测试】 联运期间公平禁止【使用无线电】
  • .车队:YY马甲格式:LH-XX【车队队员】,【VTC格式:LH_TeamXX】,【联机前缀CNL~H_YY:1461400665 】,QQ群马甲格式:LH-XX【车队队员】 车队不定期检查!!!! *审核群不再给未加入车队的人员解决问题,审核群只负责接待欲加入车队人员.正式加入车队后帮助解决一切疑难问题 *审核群不再给未加入车队的人员解决问题,审核群只负责接待欲加入车队人员.正式加入车队后帮助解决一切疑难问题
  • 车队人员涉及金钱交易 如出现问题自行负责,车队概不负责!!!

  • English
  • On April 3, 2020, the European Truck Simulator 2 [China·Rinhang] team was established. At the same time, I hope everyone can lead [Rinhang] to glory with me. The latest rules and regulations of the [Rinhang] fleet will be released below:
  • For intermodal problems, if you cannot participate in intermodal activities, you need to ask for leave in advance to the captain, deputy captain, or arbitrary management. There are full-time personnel to record, and those who do not ask for leave. Those who do not participate in intermodal transportation shall be dealt with according to [Escape Intermodal Transport] (a total of five times without leave and those who did not participate in intermodal transportation Will automatically be regarded as retreat to terminate the team relationship), the serious ones will be kicked out of the team and blocked,
  • The team is not allowed to [verbal attack and abuse others] and other behaviors (including teammates or other players), [warning in the slightest, kick out of the team in serious situations]
  • [Digging situation] in the team, there are [red envelopes, accelerator rewards] to report violations [kick out of the team and permanently black]
  • The intermodal regulations stipulate that [You must come to YY during intermodal transport] Even if you cannot speak, you need to follow the unified command. [Other members of the head and tail car are not allowed to speak during the intermodal transport] [Do not listen to the verbal warning of the head and tail car leader once, second Pass the questionnaire assessment and pass the test for the second downgrade process] Fair prohibition during intermodal transportation [Use of radio] . Team: YY vest format: LH-XX [team member], [VTC format: LH_TeamXX], [online prefix CN*L~H_YY:1461400665], QQ group vest format: LH-XX [team member] The fleet is inspected from time to time! ! ! ! *The audit group will no longer solve problems for those who have not joined the team. The audit group is only responsible for receiving people who want to join the team. After officially joining the team, help solve all difficult problems *The audit group will no longer solve problems for those who have not joined the team. The audit group is only responsible for receiving people who want to join the team. After officially joining the team, help solve all difficult problems
  • If the team members are involved in money transactions, they are responsible for themselves, and the team is not responsible! ! !


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Tag: LH-Team-VTC
Language: Chinese (Simplified)
Created: 08 May 2020 11:33 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: TX*Team*CEO* Chen Ge
Members: 180
Recruitment: Closed