We want to thank Sonic Truckers for inviting our Indian Truckers VTC in their EID public convoy, we enjoyed a lot, and this was the first time Indian Truckers VTC attended any public convoy, we learned a lot from this convoy, and we would love to Join Sonic Truckers in the Future Convoys too. We also want to appreciate truckersmp community for helping the public convoy to run smoothly and efficiently. All in all, it was a great EID Public convoy with great management and staff. Our VTC is looking forward to participating in more convoys in the future.
ITVTC is an INDIAN based International VTC established on 21st June 2020. We are experienced in the virtual trucking atmosphere. You can join us to have fun on the roads. We follow TruckersHub tracker and our own DriversHub to log all the Jobs completed by our Drivers. We have a trustworthy staff team and we also do public and Private convoys across the map. Our main priority is to Enjoy the game. Anyone is free to join our VTC as long as they meet our requirements. We are an active community dedicated to EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR 2 along with AMERICAN TRUCK SIMULATOR.