Bruijn Logistics

You do the ya, I'll do the yeet.

100+ Drivers!

By James   |   11 Apr 2021 10:16 UTC | Updated on 23 Jul 2021 22:21 UTC

Hello everyone.

Bruijn Logistics has now hit 100 drivers and we would like to thank everyone for all the support.
Schak and myself started this VTC with the intention of making it simple and fun for everyone.
Throughout the past few months, we have been working to develop the VTC and today, we are at 100 drivers.

You may have noticed that we started our own monthly convoys, this was with intentional to get the community to know us!
Since then, we have partnered with Project Cargo VTC to bring you monthly convoys.
Our first joint convoy had over 180 drivers. We hope you did enjoy that.

If you wish to participate in our next convoy, it is in February, you can find all the information here!.

Thank you for the continued support everyone.
We hope to continue with our success.

Happy Trucking!

Bruijn Logistics
You do the Ya, I'll do the Yeet

[EDIT: Unpinned 11/04/21].
[Made: 24 Jan 12:10]


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Tag: Bruijn Logistics
Language: English
Created: 03 Oct 2020 14:31 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: Schak Bruijn
Members: 413
Recruitment: Open