Yorkshire Haulage

We Drive In Blue And Give Her The Shoe!

Twisted Transports 3rd February Convoy

By SebastianTimmy   |   03 Feb 2023 21:00 UTC | Updated on 03 Feb 2023 21:00 UTC

Another great convoy hosted by Twisted Transport complete

The route planned was from Tallinn to Utena and had a good variety of road types and was overall a very enjoyable drive.

Convoy control worked well to keep everyone in order even through a few crashes and mishaps along the 400 mile journey.

There will hopefully be more great convoys for YH to participate in soon.

For currently approved public convoys we are looking to attend please check Discord or the "Events We Are Attending" section of our VTC page on the Truckers MP site.

We appreciate the amount of drivers for YH that attended seeing as this was a last minute deal and are glad everyone had a good laugh along the way.


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Tag: [YH] Driver 00
Language: English
Created: 20 Oct 2020 16:23 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: WoT Venxie
Members: 150
Recruitment: Open