Yorkshire Haulage

We Drive In Blue And Give Her The Shoe!

Everyone has really lost interest in ETS and Truckers MP

By Scottish Lad   |   31 Jan 04:36 UTC | Updated on 04 Feb 04:40 UTC

As many people will have seen Yorkshire Haulage hasn't really been active on Euro Truck or Truckers MP, Infact last year was the quietest year we have ever had, this is manly due to people being busy in real life, and also people playing different games. I personally have fallen out of love with Truckers MP due to enjoying better Lag free games, but another reason and the biggest reason for me not driving is when i drive i like to be around other humans so the only choice i have is to drive on the C-D road, which has unfortunately became to popular, and turned into a complete troll and lag Fest, you either sit in massive traffic jams which i hate or you drive elsewhere where their is no players which defeats the purpose of playing a multiplayer game. Hopefully Yorkshire haulage will be back on the roads soon, but the way it's looking i highly doubt it unless their is a major overhaul to improve the simulation experience


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Tag: [YH] Driver 00
Language: English
Created: 20 Oct 2020 16:23 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: WoT Venxie
Members: 151
Recruitment: Open