Yorkshire Haulage

We Drive In Blue And Give Her The Shoe!

The Abomination which is the Truckers MP petrol station on the C-D Road

By Scottish Lad   |   04 Feb 04:46 UTC | Updated on 04 Feb 04:50 UTC

Hello All, once again in a bid to solve traffic Jams on the C-D Road Truckers MP have had the bright idea to revamp one of the petrol stations, which yet again has created huge problems, although i see what the have tried to do the new petrol station has created massive lag as it is too popular and far to close to the C-D road, when you get near it the game has lag as it tries to load in all the other players and causing major crashes due to lag, i have personally been sent flying a few times due to this. Truckers MP know that in big cites with 50-100 People FPS and lag are a main issue which is expected, what they have done with the new petrol station is basically made their own miniature City which has the same problem except when you drive by it at 30-40 MPH you get a massive lag spike which causes issues when driving (even if you leave a big gap between the truck Infront of you) Once again TMP have Failed and made it worse in my opinion. what's even funnier is the main cause of the traffic jams is the railway crossing, which has went untouched lmao, all the have to do is disable the train coming. (Like they do on event servers) and that would easly solve the biggest cause of traffic on C-D Road


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Tag: [YH] Driver 00
Language: English
Created: 20 Oct 2020 16:23 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: WoT Venxie
Members: 151
Recruitment: Open