We shot a little film last weekend. Our goal was to make a parody of the "How to start a new year - with Ewers Transport ..." video.
Big thanks to...
"We had to film many attempts to get the perfect scene in the can. But in the end it was a lot of fun for us." - Max | Thermo Liner Driver
You can watch the Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_Uv4oiC9Ls
Our truckers during the recording:
We are Thermo-Liner-Group, a international virtual trucking company & driver-community. Not like other VTCs, we have no restrictions for our Drivers. The most important thing about our mission is the fun and the cohesion.
Its very simple: Check out https://thermo-liner-group.net/apply. Our Management will respond in the next 24 hours.
Please visit our Support-System on our Discord-Server.
( discord.gg/thermo -> #support-and-invite )