Heya everyone,
maybe you know some kind of this feature from other VTC-Discords or so, and guess what - we also! So, we just tough: Hey, that's a nice thing. That's why I'm happy to present you: Our "Picture of the Week"-Contest!
Every Wednesday, the Picture with the most reactions, get the Picture of the Week and will be featured as our Discord-Server-Banner, till the next "Picture of the Week" get announced!
Join our Discord, if you want that your picture will be a Picture of the Week! discord.thermo-liner-group.net
Have fun!
We are Thermo-Liner-Group, a international virtual trucking company & driver-community. Not like other VTCs, we have no restrictions for our Drivers. The most important thing about our mission is the fun and the cohesion.
Its very simple: Check out https://thermo-liner-group.net/apply. Our Management will respond in the next 24 hours.
Please visit our Support-System on our Discord-Server.
( discord.gg/thermo -> #support-and-invite )