Anubis Logistic


Ro Anubis School

By just a dream   |   26 Nov 2021 12:00 UTC | Updated on 27 Nov 2021 20:55 UTC


We, the Anubis Company, try to impose a certain behavior through which we believe that it is beneficial in everyday life and not only in the euro track simulator game. We try to have patience and understanding for each new member. We try to explain what we use the signal for when we change lanes. We charge to have the most exemplary conduct in the convoys. All this is done with the support of members and we never hesitate to express ourselves and discuss where he went wrong. We try to be constructive and learn from mistakes.


Noi, Firma Anubis incearca sa inpuna o anumita conduita prin care noi credem ca este benefica si in viata de zi cu zi nu doar in jocul euro track simulator. Incercam sa avem rabdare si intelegere pentru fiecare membru nou venit. Incercam sa explicam da ce folosim semnalul cand schimbam banda de mers. Incarcam sa avem o conduita cat mai exemplara in convoaie. Toate aceste se fac cu suportul membrilor si nu ezitam niciodata sa ne exprimam si sa discutam unde s a gresit. Incercam sa fim constructivii si sa invatam din greseli.


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Tag: [RO] Anubis
Language: Romanian
Created: 02 Feb 2021 08:38 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: just a dream
Members: 66
Recruitment: Open