Egyptian Truckers Company

EGY-Truckers The Best Family And First Arab vtc

Happy 2 year Anniversary EGY-Truckers - عيد ميلاد سعيد السنه التانية فريق الشاحنات المصرية

By Ahmed_Mahmoud   |   18 Feb 2023 18:01 UTC | Updated on 18 Feb 2023 18:05 UTC

**Arabic: العربى

تم بحمد الله قيام الكنفوى ااشهرى للفريق لشهر يناير شكر خاص من اداره الفريق لكل الاعبين الى حضرو الكنفوى سواء عرب او غير عرب حقيقا سعدنا بحضوركم جميعا ونتمنى ان يكون التنظيم نال اعجابكم و كذلك نشكر ضيوف الشرف وشركائنا الذين كان حضورهم مميزا فريق Corleone Logistic - Lion Road Logistics - Arab Transport

- TheOrder® VTC - AFRICAN LOGISTICS- Öz Bolu Logistics - WK [Wonder full vtc ] وجميع الفرق التى حضرت شكرا لكم من القلب


Praise be to God, The Sept Monthly Convoy team , A special thanks from the team management to all the players who attended The Convoy , whether Arab or non-Arab We really enjoyed your presence, and we hope you liked the organization We especially thank the WK [Wonder full vtc ] for helping to organize the event As well as the guests of honor whose presence was distinguished a VTCs Partners Corleone Logistic - Lion Road Logistics- Öz Bolu Logistics - TheOrder® VTC- Arab transport

And Thank you For VTCS : Brujn - Logística Sudamericana- Viva VTC- AFRICAN LOGISTICS And all the VTCs that attended Thank you from the heart**


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Tag: EGY-Truckers
Language: Arabic
Created: 05 Feb 2021 17:53 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: Ahmed_Mahmoud
Members: 229
Recruitment: Open