The Best Staff in Dec Month in our VTC - أأفضل عضو فعال فى إداره الفريق لشهرديسمبر
Ahmed_Mahmoud |
29 Dec 2023 17:33 UTC
| Updated on 29 Dec 2023 17:35 UTC
**Osama vic event manger ***
مقابل نشاطه وفعاليته فى الفريق خلال شهر ]ديسمبر وبذل قصار جهده فى الاداره شكرا لك من القلب من جميع اعضاء الاداره
return for his activity and effectiveness in the team in December , and for doing his best in management. Thank you from all members of the administration.
Thank you for everything Osama **
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