Learn more about what we have to offer
What we Do hear at LKW Logistics
- We provide a community - We have an outstanding community of passionate truck drivers looking to have a fun time with there peers.
- We try and do Monthly Weekly convoy when we can - We will conduct at least 1 official convoy a month (convoys will be held more often in the future). There will be special events exclusively for staff held at least once a week.
- We also have Custom Trucks and Trailers to offer for Everyone new driver that joins - Our team has carefully picked the best combinations of trucks for our drivers from. Each
- driver will be getting their own truck witch they will be able to customize.
And we offer much more - To find out more we offer please feel free to head over to our Website
Our requirements To Join our VTC
- Age: 15+
- English level: Low Intermediate (level 4)
- Game Hours: 25+ hours
- basic road knowledge.
- no more than 2 bans on record.
- No more than 3 VTC’s in the last 6 months.
- At least 1 convoy per week.
What have we Changed to our VTC Since we opened
- We have Attended Many Convoys and Done our First monthly convoy
- We Now Have Our Own Divisions To Spice up our VTC and give our Drivers a bit of a mix up
- we have also updated our website and got our own Domain - lkwlogistics.com
- Our Discord Has been updated and upgraded massively thanks to our new Developer
- We have our Very Own Discord bot for Moderations ect
- Application have been moved/changed - So are you wanting to apply then head to /apply to Apply toady!
- We Have also Managed to Partner Up with a few other VTC
- Stride Haulage
- Gloabl Trucking
- Coastal Transport
What we aim to change in the Future
- Doing more Convoy
- We Aim to get more drivers to do CC
- We also hope to Get more Divisions Add to our VTC Later in the Future
- And hoping to get more Custom Trucks and Trailer Like Modded Profiles with Our Names on the Trucks ect
What we are Looking for in our Drivers
- Knowledge - We expect all drivers to know all universal road signs.
- Experience - Please have at least 50+ hours in game.
- Other Companies - We are expecting all new drivers to have not been in more than 3 different companies for the past 6 months.
- Citations and tickets - No driver should have more than 2 bans in the past year.
- Our Age Requirement - All drivers should be at least 15 years old.
- Language Here at LKW - Here at LKW Logistics we expect all drivers to use English only. We ask that all drivers know intermediate English level.
Event Points:
- Earn Points [Small Event - 100 Points], [Large Event - 1000 Points]
- Logging Jobs [Points are shown below]