Here are the driver stats for the month of March. Check out our top drivers or explore our Divisions to see what they have been up to during the month.
Let's review the top 10 members of Wild Hogz Trucking for the month of March based on their dedication to logging miles.
1st place with a total of 84,108Mi or 135,359Km is Dennisthe8th
2nd place with a total of 50,055Mi or 80.556Km is A1Canadian
3rd place with a total of 24,460Mi or 39,366Km is Murdernova256
4th place with a total of 19,055Mi or 30,667Km is MysticalKief
5th place with a total of 18,751Mi or 30,178Km is xBoss Hogx
6th place with a total of 18,074Mi or 29,088Km is Chappy1225
7th place with a total of 14,848Mi or 23,896Km is jbica
8th place with a total of 14,550Mi or 23,416Km is tigerpaws228
9th place with a total of 13,107Mi or 21,094Km is Maciek
10th place with a total of 12,247Mi or 19,710Km is soulsmasher6666
Just a reminder, the deadline for submitting miles and any information on the hub is 4pm EST on the last day of the month.
Now, let's move on to the top 3 drivers for mileage this month!
1st place with a total of 84,108Mi or 135,359Km is Dennisthe8th
2nd place with a total of 50,055Mi or 80.556Km is A1Canadian
3rd place with a total of 24,460Mi or 39,366Km is Murdernova256
Congratulations to the top 3 drivers of the month! Your certificates can be found on our Discord server Here
Let's see what our Division drivers have been up to in March and tally up their stats.
xBoss Hogx
Papa Pitbull
Within our company, drivers are allowed to switch divisions at any time with approval from their Division Supervisor. This flexibility allows some drivers to move around to assist other divisions
Wild Hogz Trucking was founded on August 19, 2021. We'ew aa trucking comany to have fun with the game