Application Process
- Make sure that you meet the requirements (see below) before applying.
- Fill out the GPE Driver Application Form. Make sure that your answer our questions honestly and with some detail.
- Await a reply from a GPE Manager to your application. We will usually review it within the next 24 hours. This process can take longer, depending on how busy we are.
- Based on your application, you will either get invited for a Text Interview with a GPE Manager, or you will be immediately declined.
- If successful, you will be invited by a GPE Manager to a seperate Discord server where the Text Interview will take place. This usually takes between 15-30 minutes.
- After the interview you will receive a reply from a GPE Manager whether or not we will welcome you into the family.

Please note: Before completing our application form, please ensure that you read the following requirements. It is important that you
understand them as all GPE Members are expected to meet them.
- You must be at least 16 years old (Exceptions can be made based on maturity).
- You must be able to write and understand English on a basic level.
- You must be able to attend 3 convoys OR do 1 convoy + log 2000 KM distance each month.
- You must have a minimum of 250 hours in Euro Truck Simulator 2.
- You must always follow the TruckersMP Rules and Terms of Service, as well as Discord Rules and Terms of Service.
- Your TruckersMP Account must be at least 3 months old.
- Your TruckersMP Account must not have more than 3 active bans.
- You must be willing to use the GPE Paint Job in TruckersMP during events that GPE officially attends.
- You must be willing to join the GPE Drivers Hub as well as using the TrackSim Job Logging System.
- You must be willing to uphold GPE's reputation. This includes, but is not limited to, respecting the TruckersMP Rules, driving professionally and having a positive, respectful and helpful attitude towards the community.

Activity Rules
We offer 2 options for our drivers to meet the monthly requirements:
- Attend 3 Convoys at your choice.
- Attend 1 Convoy + 2000 Km logged distance each month.
We may offer other options upon contact with GPE Management. Please note that this is highly regulated and usually based on someone's personal situation (e.g. health issues or similar).

Kind Regards,
GPE Management