Proudly presenting GPE's Custom DriversHub!
Developers spidermax89 & JCBBuilds have been hard at work spending countless hours coding GPE's custom DriversHub which focuses on creating an immersive experience, catering for everyone's needs in the trucking community.
The GPE Drivers Hub features a minimalistic design in line with GPE's Branding & colours, allowing all our drivers to immerse themselves in the countless amazing features we offer.
Want to tune in to our friends at TruckersFM or some bangers from Tomorrowland? With our implemented Live Radio, you can now Jam out at a convoy or chill out whilst driving a job!
Want to view your convoy points or job ranks? Feel free to monitor your progress & ascend the ranks via our rankings tab.
Interested to see what events we are attending? Or simply want to plan ahead with your schedule? With our Event Calendar, you can view the numerous events scheduled throughout the year, complete with all the necessary event details!
Looking to monitor your own statistics, details and progress? With the improved profile tab you can view each specific job's statistic with an all new look. You can also keep track of your ranking progress and showcase your valued achievements. You also receive a new profile banner & more!
Are you loving the new Drivers Hub? Have you found a bug or an issue? Feel free to open a ticket to contact GPE Management today.
Do you want to submit new ideas and be apart of the team to test and implement new features? Then head over to the GPE Discord and apply to become part of our Testing Team today!
Get ready as as more exciting features gets released to our new Drivers Hub!
Kind Regards,
GPE Management
Omg that is the most amazing thing to hear!
Thank you for your input JCBBuilds!
Whoa, amazing work ABC and Max :D
Jackyyyyyyyyyyyyy Boyyyy
Pls buy rgbbed from amazon
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