Howdy! Ghøst here. For some quick information before I type this lovely story, I have been the original Owner of the Ghost Express name since 2020! She was originally founded June 11th, 2020 and I never regretted creating her. Only thing I regret personally to this day is initially shutting her doors January 11th, 2021 on her 7th Month Anniversary.
Well the name Ghost was initially an old name I had gone by for many months, to be specific, I went by "GrayGhost1976". All in which does come together thanks to my Grandfather. Ghost Express is, and will forever, be a tribute to my grandfather, whose CB Handle and old Military Nickname was "Gray Ghost"; which everyone termed it to be "Invisible Veteran". So in respect of my grandfather, I named my community within American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2 after him. He was a hog hauler back in the day, and drove a 1976 Kenworth K100. For the old American truck lovers out there; they will instantly know the glory of those trucks.
Ghost Express was founded June 11th, 2020 as stated prior, by myself (Ghøst) and Okie Rebel. She initially was a Mile Running company based in American Truck Simulator. She was a Real Mile company that held very strict limitations to keep and maintain an active community. All in which worked out quite well, even for having a 10,000 mile monthly requirement to meet. Everyone stayed active, convoyed nightly, and was always in voice chats. Our proudest moment in the old days was reaching 9th place on TrucksBook in American Truck Simulator real miles at 1,300,512 miles in August of 2020; at only 2 months of age and right at 20 drivers.
She was made to be a simple company, the only staff ranks were Owners, Co-Owners, Management, Representatives, and Recruiters. All the simplicity was done to keep the main enjoyment everyone loved, which was driving daily and competing amongst each other inside the company doors, more than the outside with other companies.
I closed her doors January 11th, 2021 on her 7 month anniversary. I regretted the day I did that, but nothing could have been done once I did it.
With the modern day comes a new era of Virtual Trucking Companies. Ghost Express plans to continue to grow to the best of her capabilities and keep providing new things for the drivers to do monthly. Between winning prizes, fancy titles to wear monthly, driver awards, and more. We also plan to host weekly convoys and possibly get into a bit more with events! We have so much in the works behind the scenes as of the current moment and will continue to update everyone on what we are doing on a monthly basis and what we are providing for our people.
Kind regards & Much love,
Mama Ghost
Ghost Express Chief Executive Officer