Ghost Express

Can't Catch What You Can't See

Ghost Express | Meet Senior Management+

By Ghøst.   |   09 Oct 2024 17:44 UTC | Updated on 19 Nov 2024 21:22 UTC

Meet The Senior Management+


  • The Founder is responsible for ensuring everything is kept up-to date within Ghost Express, as well as ensuring her staff above Management are doing what they are supposed to be doing within the community, as well as keeping up with Drivers ensuring everything is up-to everyones expectations.

In Position;

Ghøst. (Shelby)

From Ghøst.;
Howdy! I'm Ghøst, I am 21 years old and I reside on the Eastern Sea Board of the United States! I have a love for all things music, whiskey, wine, games, and trucking! I joined TruckersMP September 7th, 2019 and have been loving it since the day I joined. I am an Ex-Game Moderator of 2 years (July 9th, 2021 - October 26th, 2023) with the occasional breaks of course.

That's enough of me however. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me on Discord!

Managing Director

  • The Managing Director is responsible for covering all of our staff ranks where needing, acting as Manager for the roles in need, while ensuring active Management is doing their work properly and up-to standards. They are also in-charge of Management promotions when deemed necessary.

In Position;

NightFall. (Daniel)

From NightFall.;
Heya! I am NightFall., I am 16 years old and I live in Mid Wales! I've been playing TruckersMP for just over 2 years and have loved every second of it from attending and helping out with convoys, driving with friends and more! Apart from TMP I do play other games such as Sea of Thieves, Farming Simulator, Sons of The Forest and Minecraft. Outside of playing games, I'm currently going to college studying Transport Maintenance.

Senior Human Resources Management

  • Senior Human Resources Management is responsible for all things Human Resources. They help improve quality, efficiency, and much more within our Human Resources team while working closely with the Managing Director and higher.

In Position;


From PatiTheTea;
Heya, I‘m Pati, old enough to use Discord, German aaaaand… a toaster xD If you don’t get the reference, don’t worry.
Joined TMP about 3 years ago and joined GE beginning of 2024.
There's not much more to talk about, really.

So... Tschüüüüüss

Senior Community Management

  • Senior Community Management is responsible for ensuring quality of their teams (Community Moderation + Public Relations), as well as ensuring the quality if in-house Discord events, Partnerships within Ghost Express, and much more.

In Poisition;


From Frαnk;
Greetings! I'm Frank and I'm 26 years old and I'm from Canada. I been part of TruckersMP since 2014 and I been apart of VTC's since 2018. If I'm not on I'm usually working as a Heavy Equipment Operator.

Senior Event Management

  • Senior Event Management is responsible for all things similar to Event Management, however, they are also the ones who gets a helpful say on who gets put up-to Management with them by seeing potential in current Event Planners.

In Position;


From AgentDaxon;
Hello there, I am AgentDaxon otherwise known as Dax and I am 25 years old and from England, I have been part of the TruckersMP community coming up on 9 years. I have a good bit of experience in events management and attend convoys almost on a daily basis. I play a lot of other games from survival to simulation with ETS2 having the most hours played (3,000+)

Senior Recruitment Management

  • Senior Recruitment Management is responsible for all things within recruiting and advertising for Ghost Express. While taking care of their Recruitment team and ensuring Ad-Tags stay up-to date, they also look on new ways to advertise and recruit.

In Position;


From Dime;
Hello there, I'm Dime and I'm 25 years old. I live in Canada. When I'm not at work, I am an introvert who likes to sit at home and play ETS most of the time but sometimes I like to play other games with friends as well and stream on Twitch from time to time. I've been playing TMP for over two years now and joined Ghost Express in March 2024. I don't really have any other hobbies besides playing video games and chilling by my self most of the time.

HaulieLove 2


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Tag: Ghost Exp.|
Language: English
Created: 08 Mar 2022 00:08 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: Ghøst.
Members: 160
Recruitment: Open