Pink Ribbon Virtual Trucking Company

Spread Your Wings with the Wings Of Hope!

PRVTC has won at a Truckfest in October

By [GER] rl1000   |   02 Nov 03:46 UTC | Updated on 02 Nov 03:46 UTC

PRVTC is very honoured to be the winner of a Truckfests in October!

A huge "Thanks!" to the event organizers / VTCs, we greatly appreciate it!

PRVTC won the highest attendance

at Cancer Awareness 2024

Participants: LonelySlowly | Ashleyyy | uwu wentiik | Martinko228 | (GER) Martin | McGarrettDK | NιghtKιller | caz24 | smwebber | Megarobo | [GER] rl1000

A huge "Thanks!" to all drivers that participated and made this possible! It means even more that we could accomplish this at a cancer awareness event - as spreading awareness of breast cancer by wearing the Wings of Hope livery is part of Pink Ribbon VTC's identity.

prvtc 6
pinkribbon 6
excited 6
love 6


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Language: English
Created: 18 May 2022 12:03 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: [GER] rl1000
Members: 111
Recruitment: Open