I'm proud to announce that Transpire Xpress is hiring drivers, Staff if you are interested please apply today, if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact a team member. Please be aware if you're applying for HR you are not Above Mods or Owners of the VTC you're Human Resource not staff, so please when applying realize having HR does not make you superior neither does being a moderation team members or Convoy Control or any other team member, Only user's with power in this VTC are Nipsey @ Grim
Links discord.gg/TranspireXpress
Color Code American Truck Simulator Paint Jobs: Cab ➜ Serenity ❙ Color Order: Green - black - White - White Trailer ➜ Serenity ❙ Color Order: Green - Black - White - White
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Paint Jobs: Cab ➜ Sunrise ❙ Color Order: Green - Black - White - White Trailer ➜ Sunrise❙ Color Order: Green - Black - White - White
Overall Company Colors Green RGB 0, 255, 26 HEX#00FF1A HSV 126, 100, 100 Black RGB 0, 0, 0 HEX #00000, HSV 0 , 0 , 0
White RGB 255, 255, 255, HEX #FFFFFF, HSV 0, 0, 100 Examples of Trucks American Truck Simulator
Note; the only thing required is our Tag Color Green on TruckersMP! You are free to use your own colors and schemes outside of our official events. Discord: https://discord.gg/transpirexpress Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ5dA4vpY4iQDfRHIkXEwIg TruckersHub: https://truckershub.in/vtc/615