TRT车队将于2020年4月4日停止联运一天。TRT车队所有成员,对本次新冠战役中每一位医生和护士表示无上的尊重,对每一位牺牲的同胞表示深刻的哀悼,对每一位牺牲的烈士表示崇高的敬意,愿疫情早日结束,中国加油! TRT Team will stop the convoy for one day on 4th April 2020. During the Battle of Corona Viris, every member of TRT Team shows supreme respect to every doctor and nurse; shows deep condolence to every dead fellow, and shows sublime tribute to every dead soldier. We hope the Battle can be finished earlier, China, GO!
车队成立时间: 2020/1/11
车队名: TR-Team
车队招新交流群: 881959266
车队YY频道: 759895