车队成立时间: 2020/1/11
车队名: TR-Team
车队招新交流群: 881959266
车队YY频道: 759895
十分开心,我们车队也成为了被官方认可的车队之一! It is very amazing that our team has become one of the official-certification team!
| 26 May 2020 16:02 UTC | OhYeahThatsGood
TRT车队向在抗击肺炎期间牺牲的同胞和烈士们表示哀悼和致敬 Our team shows our condolence and respect to the people and soldiers who were dead during the Battle of Corona Virus
| 03 Apr 2020 17:18 UTC | OhYeahThatsGood
[T.R.T] TR-Team车队创立于2020年1月11日,TR (The DreamOf Racing) :竞速之梦。Team:团队。 TR-Team车队中文解释:拥有竞速之梦的团队。TR-Team车队简称: TRT车队 [T.R.T] TR-Team was created in 11.01.2020. TR: The DreamOf Racing The Chinese explanation of our team is: The team which owns a dream of racing
| 21 Mar 2020 14:17 UTC | OhYeahThatsGood
Thanks for all the organizers and managers that presented this wonderful event to us.
18 Nov 2020 07:34 UTC | [TR-Team]*OA_Edwario
了解并接受TruckersMP官方规则。 由于我们是新车队,所以规则较为严格,接受以上几点方可申请
1 .年满十八周岁
2 .不指定dlc
3 .稳定在线,听指挥(玻璃心绕道)
4 .了解并接受TruckersMP官方规则。
1. truckersmp个人信息页截图(包含封禁记录)
No DLCs Required