The Dream Of Racing Team


热烈庆祝本车队VTC获得官方认证/Congratulation that our team has passed the official certification

By OhYeahThatsGood   |   26 May 2020 16:02 UTC | Updated on 23 Jul 2021 22:21 UTC

中国TR-Team车队从2020年1月11日成立,从无到有,从三人到现在大团队,从三人联运到现在的30多个人联运,我们积极参加中国车队卡车联盟大联运活动以及大大小小的联运活动,在此,车队管理们付出了很大的奉献,经历了四个月的风风雨雨,我们本着不忘初心,磨砺前行的口号,TRT车队慢慢扩大,慢慢闯出来,如今,TMP官方车队认证成功了! 我们将继续努力,继续把TRT车队闯出一片天地,我们不忘初心,要把TRT车队打造成国际一流的车队!车队认证的成功,让我们相信未来的TRT车队一定会成为国际一流的车队! 让我们恭喜中国TR-Team车队在TMP官方车队认证成功!祝TRT车队一路长虹!马到成功!

China TR-Team team was established from January 11, 2020, from scratch, from three people to the current large team, from three people to the currently more than 30 people intermodal transportation, we actively participate in the Chinese fleet truck alliance large intermodal transportation activities, Large and small intermodal transportation activities, here, the team management has paid a lot of dedication, after four months of ups and downs, we have not forgotten our original intentions, sharpened the slogan of moving forward, the TRT fleet slowly expands Come out, now, TMP official team certification is successful! We will continue to work hard to continue to push the TRT team out of the world, we do not forget the original intention, to make the TRT team into a world-class team! The success of the team certification makes us believe that in the future, TRT team will become an international first-class team! Let us congratulate China's TR-Team team gained the successful TMP team certification! Wish TRT Team can be better and everything goes well!


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Tag: |T.R.T| VTC
Language: Chinese (Simplified)
Created: 08 Mar 2020 14:33 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: [TR-Team]*CEO_qinghu
Members: 80
Recruitment: Open