Northern Logistics VTC

"Reliable Transportation, Awesome Community"

End of Month Stats For May 2020

By Peter Lokey   |   05 Jun 2020 02:45 UTC | Updated on 23 Jul 2021 22:21 UTC

We hauled a total of 683 Loads in May, 395 ATS and 288 ETS. Our top 3 drivers in ATS were, RCO with a 182 Loads and 63,382 Miles. DGAF_AK87 with 49 loads and 17,592 Miles. B9bot1 with 37 loads and 42,739 Miles.

Our Top 3 drivers in ETS were, JarvisOng with 84 loads and 43,378 Kilometers. WesternNyEric with 36 loads and 16,031 Kilometers. duranium with 26 loads and 11,069 Kilometers.

We traveled a total of 196,991 Miles in ATS. We traveled a total of 177,419 Kilometers in ETS. Awesome Month of May But Let's Try and Keep Those Fines Down.


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Tag: NorthernLogistics
Language: English
Created: 29 Mar 2020 04:30 UTC
Supported Games
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: TheNorthernAlex
Members: 83
Recruitment: Open