


Tag: CHINA(蓝色)
Language: Chinese (Simplified)
Created: 07 May 2020 02:39 UTC
Supported Game
Euro Truck Simulator 2
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: New earth_lachangge-Capta
Members: 20
Recruitment: Open

Latest VTC Posts


招聘通知 Recruitment notice

欢迎加入新地球车队!!!来一起探索欧洲卡车的奇妙世界!!! QQ群:652947660 Welcome to the new earth team!!! Come and explore the wonderful world of European trucks!!! QQ group: 652947660

07 May 2020 02:49 UTC   |   New earth_lachangge-Capta



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.必须加QQ:652947660。 1.可以说流利的普通话或可打中文进行交流。 2.本车队可使用自己的存档进项联运(但必须保证涂装与车队发布的信息相符合,禁止使用dlc和改装包)。 3.不限制年龄(18岁以下必须征得家长同意),但必须加QQ群。 4.不得辱骂他人,炫富等违法违规的事情出现。 5.能听从指挥,不发布有损车队的言论。 6.禁止歧视任何种族,任何肤色,任何国家的人。

  1. Can speak fluent Mandarin or type Chinese for communication.
  2. The team can use its own archived input intermodal transport (but it must ensure that the coating is consistent with the information released by the team, and it is prohibited to use DLC and modification package).
  3. There is no age limit (consent of parents must be obtained if under 18), but QQ group must be added.
  4. Do not abuse others, show off wealth and other illegal things.
  5. Be able to follow the command and not release any comments that may damage the team.
  6. It is prohibited to discriminate against people of any race, color or country.

DLC Requirements

No DLCs Required