4月28日重卡车队与ATS共同举办了友谊活动主办方:重卡运输车队 共有2个车队:ATS车队&重卡运输车队 感谢ATS接受我们的活动邀请,以下是活动截图
| 05 May 2021 01:26 UTC | Heavy-001-LongYing
March 6,2021 We participated Heavy Cargo Club Founding celebration
| 07 Mar 2021 01:32 UTC | Heavy-001-LongYing
China's heavy truck transport fleet was established on January 9, 2020
| 08 Jun 2020 05:03 UTC | L.G-001-XUYI
5月4日联运记录 发车时间:20:30 服务器:S2 车辆:依维柯750P 全长:1150KM 参加人数:7名
| 05 May 2021 01:26 UTC | Heavy-001-LongYing
China heavy load club 3.5 intermodal transport activity
| 07 Mar 2021 01:05 UTC | Heavy-001-LongYing
1:您的年龄必须满足13岁以上 2:您的欧卡账户DLC必须要全地图 3:您电脑的麦克风必须要清晰,或者可以使用手机 4:一个星期内联运必须要上线至少1次 5:车队不限制国籍但是您必须要遵守规定
1: You must be over 13 years old 2: You must have a full map for your Orca account DLC 3: The microphone of your computer must be clear, or you can use your mobile phone 4: Intermodal transport must be launched at least once a week 5: There are no restrictions on nationality, but you have to comply with the rules
No DLCs Required