Køntas Transport is a little community & VTC which was founded on 1/10/2020 by Køndor & Paťas. We decided to create such a group because we wanted to create a community with the same interests - Holland, Danish, Sweden etc. styled trucks. We love truck tuning, no matter from which generation these trucks are. We are an ambitious company with high goals. Within our VTC we plan convoys, events & host giveaways.
There is a one big reason, why you should join Køntas!
03 Dec 2020 17:19 UTC | Køndør
Because our community is still growing up, we have decided to create accounts on these platforms.
20 Oct 2020 14:40 UTC | Køndør
1. Discord Rules:
§1.1 Don't bully, or be rude to other members, respect them.
§1.2 Keep the chats SFW (Safe for View), don't type, or share 18+ files.
§1.3 Every single channel has it's own meaning, so for example, don't post pictures of your truck in general chat.
§1.4 Try to reduce swearing, of course, we all are human, we can get pissed off.
§1.5 Tagging other server members or Staff members without any reason is strictly prohibited also including spamming.
§1.6 Nicknames containing the following characters at the beginning, such as "!", ".", "_" or numbers "1,2,3,4,5.." are forbidden & will be reset by staff. Nicknames which impersonate or insult other users are forbidden as well.
§1.7 Asking for staff recruitments or positions will not increase the likelihood of you getting picked. When there is a recruitment it will be announced on the server.
§1.8 Advertising in any kind is strictly forbidden on the whole Discord server & via DMs.
2. In-Game Rules for drivers
§2.1 Respect TruckersMP' s rules, drive properly.
§2.2 On convoys, keep a 50->150 m distance to prevent accidents.
§2.3 Monthly, we ask 1000 km of job delivery from you VIA VTLog.
§2.4 When you are on our events, please use our paintjob and name tag.
3. Punishments
• 4 warns
• kick
• 7-day ban
• permanent ban
§3.2 Don't question the decisions of our staff members, accept possible punishments.
§3.3 We've got the right to skip any of the punishments, depending on the rule violation.
1. Be older than 15 years old.
2. You must have a nice styled truck. (Holland, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Greek, etc styled trucks!)
3. You should be able to communicate in English.
4. At least 100 hours must have been played in ETS2 on your Steam account.
5. At least 1000 km of job delivery by you via VTLOG per month.
6. Respect our and TruckersMP's rules.
7. Your account on TruckersMP must be at least 3 months old.
Isn't it easy to join Køntas?
No DLCs Required