中国幻影VTC车队成立于2022年4月24日,是一个由众多散人玩家和技术骨干玩家聚集到一起组建的新兴散人VTC车队,本车队目前正处于初步发展阶段中,虽说目前车队人数不多,但是我们 有信心能够让中国幻影VTC车队在短时间内发展壮大起来,在这里也欢迎各位喜爱欧洲卡车模拟2的朋友加入我们中国幻影VTC车队,加入我们,您的游戏乐趣将会更好,幻影VTC车队全体队员在此恭候您的加入。
about us:
China Mirage VTC Team was established on April 24, 2022. It is an emerging casual VTC team formed by many casual players and technical backbone players. The team is currently in the initial stage of development. Although the current team has a small number of people, But we are confident that we can make the Chinese Mirage VTC team grow and develop in a short period of time. We also welcome friends who love Euro Truck Simulator 2 to join our Chinese Mirage VTC team. Join us, your game fun will be better, Mirage All members of the VTC team are here waiting for you to join us.
中国幻影车队参加中国PTC百天活动联运 China HuanYing Team participated in China PTC 100 day activity (intermodal transport)
03 Sep 2022 12:00 UTC | JZ-066-YUEYUE
中国幻影车队与中国花语车队一对一友谊联运 | One to one friendship intermodal transport between China HuanYing Team and China Huayu Team
02 Sep 2022 06:00 UTC | JZ-066-YUEYUE
中国幻影车队联运日常 | China HuanYing Team intermodal (daily intermodal)
20 Aug 2022 12:00 UTC | JZ-066-YUEYUE
中国幻影车队联运日常 | China HuanYing Team intermodal (daily intermodal)
26 Jul 2022 12:00 UTC | JZ-066-YUEYUE
1. 加入本车队必须拥有正版欧洲卡车模拟2,或美国卡车模拟
2. 车队联运时间为每天的七点半开始集合,八点准时发车,(参加对外联运七点集合,八点半发车)
3. 车队注重和谐.联运过程中禁止互相辱骂
4. 联运请遵守交通规则.禁止在小道超车,禁止逆行,禁止长时间按喇叭
5. 希望各群友积极参加群联运活动车队不时发放福利如果没时间上游戏,提前在群里打一声招呼
6. 禁止打着车队的旗号在线上惹事
7. 如果联运的时候有解不开的矛盾,可以找管理层进行调
1. Join this team must have genuine European truck simulation 2, or American truck simulation
2. The combined transportation time of the fleet starts at 7:30 every day and leaves on time at 8:00, (Participate in the external intermodal assembly at 7 o'clock, depart at 8:30)
3. The team pays attention to harmony. It is forbidden to insult each other during the intermodal transportation
4. Please abide by the traffic rules for intermodal transportation. It is forbidden to overtake on the trail, to go the wrong way, and to honk the horn for a long time.
5. I hope that all group friends will actively participate in group transportation activities. The team will give out benefits from time to time. If you don’t have time to play games, Please say hello in advance in the group
6. It is forbidden to cause trouble online under the banner of a motorcade
7. If there is a contradiction that cannot be resolved during intermodal transportation, you can ask the management to mediate
1. 本体/DLC/全套均可
2. 您必须年满15周岁
3. 您必须下载YY语音和我们交流,联运期间必须上YY
4. 参加联运时必须挂统一前缀和游戏头像名字
5. 联运期间头车和尾车交流时其他成员禁止说话
6. 您必须遵守TruckersMP规则
If you want to add a team, please add a review group first, do not apply for VTC
Additional team requirements:
1. The main body/DLC/full set can be used
2. You must be at least 15 years old
3. You must download YY voice to communicate with us, and you must go to YY during intermodal transportation
4. When participating in the combined transportation, the unified prefix and the name of the game avatar must be displayed
5. During the intermodal transportation, other members are not allowed to speak when the lead car and the tail car communicate
6. You must follow the TruckersMP rules
No DLCs Required