Welcome to Better Call Haul!
We were founded on May 05 2023. Based in the United Kingdom but anyone is welcome to join.
We are a new and enthusiastic VTC with minimal limitations Chill and very friendly VTC, that appreciates it's members more than any large VTC could ever do. We love the community and want to help improve it even further! We have drivers that are active on Promods and TruckersMP.
What we can offer :-
Welcome to Better Call Haul.
Driver Rules
Drivers please read the rules
No more than 3 active bans from TruckersMP. Small probationary period which means you have to do the milage. Driver must log 620 miles/1000km per month.
Be respectful at all times on multiplayer, please remember, your not only representing yourself but the VTC in general.
Be active within Convoys be them our own or other companies.
We have few rule's and limitations to joining our merry band of truckers.
No DLCs Required