Welcome to
was established on August 27, 2023 with more than 10+ drivers and a full management team. INTERCOOLER
will create a relaxed, lively and comfortable driving experience for you, and cultivate excellent Cargo truck drivers. A relaxed and harmonious team is waiting for you!
⚠The following are the rules of the INTERCOOLER, please abide by them and do not try your best
§1. Maintain a Friendly Environment
§2. Respect other Driver
§3. Comply with the official rules of Truckersmp
§4. Drivers are forced to use fleet paint during car gatherings
§5. Screen swiping is prohibited in the chat room
§6. Do not use plug-ins during car gatherings and car training
§7. Non-essential prohibition of rushing into gas stations, rest stops, and interchanges
§8. Keep driving in the lane and do not change lanes at will
§9. Honking is prohibited unless necessary
§10. Do not overtake during activities
§11. Keep a safe driving distance
§12. Screen swiping is prohibited in MP
§13. If there is an accident ahead during the event, please turn on the double yellow lights (for convenience, you can notify the vehicles behind)
⚠以下是 "中冷器",請遵守規則
§1. 維持友好環境
§2. 尊重其他司機&車友
§3. 務必遵守TruckersMP規則
§4. 在車聚會時,司機必須使用車隊油漆&加滿油
§5. 聊天室禁止刷屏
§6. 車友聚會和司機培訓期間請勿使用沒有風格的車頭
§7. 活動&聚會時非必要時禁止衝進加油站、休息站
§8. 保持跟前方車輛道內行駛,不要隨意變更車道
§9. 非必要時禁止鳴喇叭
§10. 活動期間不得超車
§11. 保持安全駕駛距離
§12. 禁止在TruckersMP聊天室刷屏
§13. 如果活動期間前方發生事故,請打雙黃燈(為方便起見,務必通知後方車輛)
One of Europe's leading overland virtual cargo transportation companies, a market leader in European cargo transportation and integrated logistics services. The transportation business covers international long-distance transportation of standard pallet goods, domestic transportation of dry goods and refrigerated goods, warehousing and distribution, and international brokerage business.
Our main style in the game is European, we have a dedicated trailer, we try to make our company work for everyone.
Our team is currently only recruiting friends who love Dutch and Finnish style trucks, as long as you like our truck style, we will keep it as it is.
We will open it up to everyone in the future.
No DLCs Required