We are Bring VTC, a Scandinavian-themed VTC, based in Oslo, Norway, providing delivery services for all types of cargo.
Founded in April 2017, we've existed as a small company with a small community of loyal drivers who driver across the TruckersMP network.
We are always eager to welcome new drivers into the Virtual Trucking Company, our family is made up of a mixture of international drivers.
Founded in December 2017 by NickThe0ne, Bring VTC has always been a small virtual trucking company with loyal employees. You can find out more about our heritage in this short introduction on who we are and more!
| 12 Aug 2020 00:06 UTC | NickThe0ne
Driver must follow these rules and policies when out on the road.
Driver Rules
1) You must follow all TruckersMP rules and respect online users.
2) You cannot be part of another VTC while in Bring VTC.
3) Where possible your deliveries shouldn't exceed damage greater than 50%.
4) When logging deliveries for the company you must have TrucksBook enabled.
5) You must remain 100 km/h (62 mph) in ETS2 and 130 km/h (80 mph) in ATS.
6) You must use our company paint scheme and player tags while in multiplayer.
Player Tag Policy
When on TruckersMP we expect all drivers to use the green (R:0, G:255, B:0) player tag, with the either of the following text.
➞ Bring | - must be present in your player tag at all times.
➞ Bring | NOR - a three-letter abbreviation to show their nationality.
➞ Bring | MT - used by the Marketing Team at our public convoys.
➞ Bring | CC - used by all Convoy Control at our public convoys.
➞ Bring | Manager - all managers to be identifiable in-game.
Driver who use inappropriate tags or do not follow our rules will be subject to punishment from Management. Please remember that you are representing Bring VTC and we want to maintain a good reputation within TruckersMP.
• At least 16 years old
• Working microphone
• Less than 3 bans
Please note that when applying for the VTC, please remember to apply to both the Logbook and on the TruckersMP VTC website.
No DLCs Required