Founded as Vista Logistics in December 2014. This used to be a one man thing for 5 years.
Now open for recruitment. No need for any fluff, apply to join as long as you want to have some easy fun.
Everything is freshly setup and subject to change without notice.
| 01 Feb 2020 06:18 UTC | SprinterFS
Follow the TruckersMP official rules.
Because we all know it's just a game.
To become an aves, you need to:
Follow TMP rules;
Have functional knowledge of English;
Have a TMP account of at least 6 months old;
Have no valid bans on profile within the past 3 months.
Have no VAC bans on steam profile.
You do not have to:
Change your name or avatar;
Have all (or any) DLC;
Use a log book;
Be on social media;
Use voice chat;
Do routine convoys;
Spend real life money;
Do volunteer work within the VTC;
End your relationships with other VTCs.
No DLCs Required