TeamAudi is a VTC that plays ETS2.
About 20 members, including team members and Korean participants, enjoy the game every day.
It is the first VTC made in Korea since 2014, and it is steadily playing games every day.
Currently, it is recognized as the first team in Korea to have the highest attendance rate.
TeamAudi Project Manager
TeamAudi Project Coordinator
TeamAudi Advisor
TeamAudi VTC Co. Leader
TeamAudi Senior HR
TeamAudi Human Resources
Participate in Team Coupang's Big Trucking Event
12 Jun 2020 08:12 UTC | Weathering
19" Oct. 12th TeamAudi hosted < Championship trucking in TMC > Event Trucking Screenshots and after trucking
12 Jun 2020 08:12 UTC | Weathering
19" Oct. 20th Brighter Futures 2019 Big Trucking Information
12 Jun 2020 08:12 UTC | Weathering
TeamAudi's Tag & Team Nickname change Information
12 Jun 2020 08:12 UTC | Weathering
Prohibiting bully between team members.
Carrying out safe driving.
TeamAudi team members will immediately be team blacklisted if they receive more than two warns during the year.
TeamAudi users must comply with TruckersMP rules.
Other Rules will be implement later.
Your ban history never overed 4 times.
Your ETS2 Playtime must be over the 50 hrs.
Registered the TruckersMP Forum at least 1 months.
More than 13+ age.
Keeping TruckersMP Rules
Blacklisted our alliance Team
Blacklisted our Team
Banned over 4 times.
No DLCs Required