Witamy na stronie wirtualnej spedycji SzachMat !
Nasza VS zrzesza graczy w różnym wieku, z różnych stron świata w jednym celu - dobrej zabawy !
Panuje tu luźna atmosfera, brak jest limitu kilometrów - poprostu łaczy nas pasja i zamiłowanie do gier ETS/ATS.
Nastawiamy się na integrację ze społecznością TrucksBook oraz TruckersMP.
Chetnie uczestniczymy w konwojach oraz chętnie organizujemy konwoje !
Jeśli czujesz się na siłach, aby do nas dołączyć, a warunki Cię nie przerażają - zapraszamy do złożenia podania !
Welcome on the VTC SzachMat webpage! Our VTC unites players of all ages from around the world for one purpose - to have great fun! There is a relaxed atmosphere here, there is no kilometers limit - we are simply connected by a passion for ETS / ATS games. We are focused on integration with the TrucksBook and TruckersMP community. We are happy to participate in convoys and we are happy to organize convoys! If you feel adventurous to join us and the conditions do not scare you - please apply!
Another record month has passed for SzachMat! VS !
06 Jul 2020 09:05 UTC | EliminatorPL
Last Sunday, June 14, we organized a convoy, entitled "All roads lead to Poland".
06 Jul 2020 08:20 UTC | EliminatorPL
On June 7, we were invited to a convoy, organized on the occasion of the 1st anniversary of Amber-Pol Logistics VTC.
08 Jun 2020 20:49 UTC | EliminatorPL
On the 5th of June, we have attended the 3rd edition of a convoy called "We are all children", organized by the MTD Logistics VTC.
08 Jun 2020 20:33 UTC | EliminatorPL
Mamy kilka zasad, których każdy członek musi przestrzegać:
We have several rules that each member must follow:
No DLCs Required