CRTZ (Formally known as Courtz Carriers) have had a rebrand and are back on the roads as a "community vtc"
In CRTZ we aim to be more of a family then a "group", a place where people feel welcome and can enjoy driving with others.
You will need the Super Stripes DLC in order to be part of our vtc
We do use trucksbook as an optional mile logger however it is not a requirement to log miles.
Tonight our drivers met up for a private convoy / drive.
01 Sep 2021 20:59 UTC | Nomad.
This past Sunday our drivers met up for our sixth private convoy.
16 Jul 2021 21:57 UTC | Nomad.
Take a look at what has happened within CRTZ throughout June.
10 Jul 2021 17:51 UTC | Nomad.
Last Wednesday we held another public convoy.
20 Jun 2021 22:56 UTC | Nomad.
No DLCs Required