TDHCave Logistics VTC is currently seeking a highly organized and motivated event planner to join our team. As the event planner, you will be responsible for planning and coordinating a range of convoy events in TruckersMP and SCS MP, including a monthly convoy event for TDHCave Logistics, attending other convoys as a VTC, and planning weekly internal convoys for our members
03 Jan 2023 10:19 UTC | JakSpittle
TDHCave Logistics VTC wishes everyone a happy new year and announces DJDeeMarie as the winner of their December giveaway for completing 3777 miles on TruckyApp.
03 Jan 2023 08:51 UTC | JakSpittle
Giveaway for the driver who logs most miles in December
13 Dec 2022 15:17 UTC | TDHWill
TDHCave Logistics have been getting the miles done!
01 Dec 2022 08:57 UTC | JakSpittle
No DLCs Required