- 车队联运时需上YY频道:4162车队专用频道进行语音沟通,禁止一切形式的游戏内置语音,语音是一个车队的灵魂,在进游戏时务必将游戏声音调小,确保能够听清车队行驶过程中的突发事件和指挥。
- 进行友好的交流,禁止互喷和嘲讽,学会互相体谅。
- 车队的指挥有专人进行指挥,在你不是指挥官的情况下,不要随便的指挥,在头车报点和尾车交流中,所有人禁止卡麦,在别人说话的过程当中请不要卡麦
- 停车时避免噪音,关闭发动机(E)关闭双闪(F)关闭爆闪灯(O)途中临时停车时,还需要打开双闪应急灯示意,快捷键(F)按照顺序准确的排号位置停车。
- 车队行车时,严禁出现超车,S形走位现象,某些特殊条件下,可以超车,如前车出现网络波动掉包情况时,和管理人员打好招呼,等待前车开启双闪靠边让路时,在超车掉包人员等待自觉驶入车尾。
- 行驶途中,如有队员临时有事,需打开双闪,尽快靠边停车,当(指挥车)未停止时,后车可不用打招呼,看到示意灯后直接超过该车,继续行进并全速追赶车队
- 当途中发生事故时可使用快捷修复,修复代码在聊天框中输入/fix后(注意是小写字母,大写不可用),查看你的车损情况,500秒内只能使用一次,如再次损坏,请快速读档或返回修理厂(F7)返回修理厂时需向指挥报告车队会停车等待。
- 以上规则是必须遵守的,当你不能遵守时请不要加入车队,在你成功加入车队后,违反三次(分情节轻重)情节严重的会踢出车队

Notes to members
- YY channel is required for team intermodal transport: 50971team dedicated channel for voice communication. All forms of game built-in voice are prohibited. Voice is the soul of a team. When entering the game, be sure to turn down the game sound to ensure that you can hear the emergencies and commands in the process of team driving.
- Conduct friendly exchanges, prohibit mutual spray and ridicule, and learn to understand each other.
- There is a specially assigned person to direct the team. If you are not the commander, don't command casually. In the communication between the head car and the tail car, everyone is forbidden to jam. Please don't jam when others are talking. It is stipulated that you can't surpass the head car under any circumstances (except video vehicles)
When starting, you need to start according to the instructions.
Remember not to start at will and disturb the order.
- Avoid noise when parking. Turn off the engine (E) turn off the double flash (f) turn off the flash lamp (o). When temporarily stopping on the way, it is also necessary to turn on the double flash emergency lamp for indication, and the shortcut key (f) stops according to the sequence and accurate number position.
- When the motorcade is driving, overtaking and S-shaped walking are strictly prohibited. Under some special conditions, overtaking can be allowed. For example, when the front vehicle has network fluctuation and packet switching, greet the management personnel, wait for the front vehicle to turn on the double flash and pull over to give way, and the overtaking packet switching personnel will consciously drive into the rear of the vehicle.
- During driving, if a team member has something to do temporarily, it is necessary to turn on the double flashing and pull over as soon as possible. When (the command vehicle) does not stop, the rear vehicle can pass the vehicle directly after seeing the signal light, continue to move and catch up with the team at full speed.
- In case of an accident on the way, you can use quick repair. After the repair code is entered in the chat box with / fix (note that lowercase letters and uppercase letters are not available), check your vehicle damage. It can only be used once within 500 seconds. If it is damaged again, please quickly read the gear or return to the repair shop (F7). When returning to the repair shop, you need to report to the commander that the team will stop and wait.
- The above rules must be observed. Please do not join the team when you cannot. After you successfully join the team, you will be kicked out of the team if you violate the rules three times (according to the seriousness of the circumstances)