As August comes to a close, we hope everyone enjoyed their summer vacations and took the well-deserved break. With schools reopening and the summer season winding down, we anticipate some changes in our community's activity levels. For those returning to school or college, we understand that your schedules might become busier. Likewise, we welcome back our members who were on vacation and look forward to seeing you more active on the roads. Whether you're balancing school, work, or both, we appr
02 Sep 2024 20:00 UTC | Sietsuuuhh
Hey there! In post we will go over topics that were up to discussion within our VTC. We mention some new policies regarding activities and events.
08 Aug 2024 08:00 UTC | Sietsuuuhh
Hey! In this news post, we're going to be talking about the current state of Titan Express, and some minor implications on what we're planning to do to increase activity and relevance.
28 Jun 2024 12:00 UTC | ValCord
In here you will find the conclusion of this month! This includes what has changed in our VTC and our future plans!
11 Jun 2024 22:00 UTC | ValCord
We've recently hosted by far our most successful public convoy! More information will be in this newsletter!
07 Apr 2024 15:00 UTC | ValCord
(1) Always drive properly, respect road laws, speed limits and respect other drivers on the road.
(2) Be respectful to all users at all times.
(3) Any inappropriate content and language is forbidden. This includes excessive swearing and foul language.
(4) Arguments and inciting drama is completely forbidden and will result in removal.
(5) We have the right to punish or remove you at any time for whatever reason.
(6) Everyone is expected to have and use "common sense" at all times. Lack of this will result in removal.
(7) We are an English based VTC we expect all members to speak English.
No DLCs Required