Diamond Truckers

Delivering In Style.


Tag: Diamond Truckers
Language: English
Created: 17 Dec 2023 23:33 UTC
Supported Game
Euro Truck Simulator 2
DLCs Required: 0
Owner: SuperAssasin35 (SA35)
Members: 1
Recruitment: Open

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  1. Must be over 15+ with a mature attitude to driving.
  2. Game time above 10hrs.
  3. Have Discord account and join to communicate on updates to events and more!
  4. Be an active team member (in game and on discord when required)
  5. Mic is optional but advised in English if possible - Written English needs to be good also.
  6. Must own full ether ETS2 (as of 17/12/2023) or ATS tbc
  7. In game tag must be changed to DTVTC
  8. Be respectful and keep swearing to a minimal :)

DLC Requirements

No DLCs Required