We are Jmt Trafik Jan Mues, a premier international virtual trucking company. Unlike traditional VTCs, we place no limitations on our drivers. Our core mission is to ensure enjoyment and foster unity within our community.
Its very simple: Click the Apply now button Page on the top of this page and fill in the application form. Once our Management has reviewed your application you will be notified on our discord server via our promotions channel within 24 hours of submitting your application.
A little insight of Jmt Trafik Jan Mues
17 Jun 2024 04:57 UTC | .мαтяιχ.
All drivers of Jmt Trafik Jan Mues, must follow our guidelines. Violations will result in a warning, and repeated breaches may lead to expulsion from Jmt Trafik Jan Mues.
(1) Always drive with professionalism, demonstrating your affiliation with Jmt Trafik Jan Mues. For instance, use the Jan Mues tag in TruckersMP or similar platforms.
After 30 days of inactivity (on Discord or TruckersMP), you will be marked as inactive. It is advisable to request a Leave of Absence (LOA) or consider leaving Jmt Trafik Jan Mues. LOA status can be requested by opening a ticket on our Discord server.
Drive responsibly and ensure that no one suffers damage due to your actions. (don't drive recklessly or overtake when there is oncoming traffic doing so could lead to other truckersmp players reporting you to our management)
§3.1 - TMP BANS
(1) Do not exceed 4 active bans in TruckersMP.
(2) All TruckersMP bans must be reviewed and approved by management. (may result in you being removed from Jmt Trafik depending on the reason for the ban)
(1) Inform us of any changes to your dual VTC membership status by contacting our community management.
(2) If you intend to leave our TruckersMP VTC, please notify our management with the reason why your leaving.
Sharing digital content such as (local) mods or internal information is strictly prohibited and may result in an immediate ban from Jmt Trafik Jan Mues.
Treat everyone with respect at all times, regardless of the situation.
Please adhere to instructions from Jmt Trafik Jan Mues management or higher authorities. (this includes truckersmp game moderators)
*Your Truck-Style must match with our tuning concept of Holland-, Norwegian-, Swedish-, Greek-, German or Danish-Truck-Style's.
joined our Discord-Server for the minimum amount of (1 Week & 3 days)
Be older than 16 years.
Registered on TruckersMP-Website for a least 3 months
Your TruckersMP-Ban-History should not contain more than 3 active bans.
Be currently not banned on TruckersMP.
Must be able to communicate and understand English or be able to use a translator.*
No DLCs Required