卡车社区成立于2019年7月29日,我们致力于寻找更优秀的司机,能有更多的人一起游戏。友谊第一,游戏第二。欢迎各位的加入! The truck community was founded on July 29, 2019, and we are dedicated to finding better drivers and more people to play with. Friendship first, game second. Welcome to join us!
无DLC要求,只为玩的开心 No DLC requirements, just for fun
| 02 Apr 2020 00:28 UTC | TC._.Team/XiaoYing
1.遵守游戏规则Play by the rules 2.听从管理指挥Obey management command 3.禁止攻击辱骂他人Attacks and insults are prohibited
1.联运考核一次 Intermodal assessment one times 2.更改游戏前缀 Change game prefix 3.更改游戏名 Change the game name
No DLCs Required