Being respectful, polite and understandable to everyone. This is the basic principle of our team.
Swearing, slang, insults and disrespect are prohibited. We are especially sensitive about swearing. Even if you are right, do not respond with swearing.
We require use of Discord and microphone are mandatory.
TruckersMP rules must be strictly followed.
There is no age limit to join our team.
Those who join our team must add our company logo to their TMP profile and Trucksbook profile.
It is mandatory to join our Truckbooks and VTC page.
7.Our Monthly Truckbooks "realistic" limit is minimum 15,000 km. (We have a monthly prize for the 1st place winner)
We dont allow the topics thats mentioned to be judged because of his language, religion, race, politics, world view and sexual orientation. It is forbidden to talk about these topics.
Those who do not comply with our company rules and truckersmp rules will be removed from our team.
Starting 6 hours from now
Event Server
154 4 24
Wed, Feb 12, 2025 19:00
Simulation 2
68 2 17
No DLCs Required