1、 the team personnel have team scheduling command, and appoint someone who's in charge of the team scheduling.
2、 In order to ensure traffic safety, the distance between the front car and the rear car needs to be more than 50 meters in the intermodal task.
3、Special attention should be paid to safe driving and observing traffic rules when the vehicle is driving. If there is a title, it will be borne by the team members.
4、 After the vehicle arrives at the destination during intermodal transportation, stop the vehicle properly according to the requirements of the fleet dispatching command.
5、Add a motorcade and you will be given an accelerator.
China Xinhang motorcade intermodal points 中国鑫航车队联运积分
18 Apr 2022 17:00 UTC | China XD 8888
大家好! 随着新加入的成员数量越来越多,多人协同管理车队越来越被需要,管理团队应运而生。这是一群高素质、高智商的人们,为车队今后的发展奠下了基础,为车队做出了无法比拟的贡献。我们希望能通过这样一篇文章让队员熟悉我们的管理团队,也借此机会表彰一直在背后为车队辛苦付出,值得被授予最高荣誉的管理人员们!
18 Apr 2022 16:00 UTC | China XD 8888
中国鑫航车队规章制度**China Xinda fleet rules and regulations**中国鑫航車隊規則制度***
18 Apr 2022 12:20 UTC | China XD 8888
1、 Obey the fleet management arrangement, be online stably, and actively participate in large-scale intermodal transportation. If you can't participate, please explain the situation in advance
2、 Abide by the rules of the game, do not make trouble in the name of the team, and do not damage the reputation of the team
3、 All personnel are not allowed to make trouble, quarrel, advertise in the member group, and will be kicked out if found
4、The team archive and the code block of the team are prohibited from transferring to others or reselling without the consent of the management.
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