"0x80092013" error while logging in
Last update: 28 Sep 2024 15:31 UTC
Short link to this article: https://truckersmp.com/kb/786

This error mostly gets caused by corrupted Windows data. It is not really a custom TruckersMP error, however, there are several solutions which could solve this error.
- Open your windows date and time settings (To do this, right click on the date and time in the bottom right corner) --> https://i.imgur.com/6qsP0tY.png. Note down your current settings.
- Now change your time to the attempts listed below. Please try to start TruckersMP after each attempt. Remember to launch TruckersMP as Administrator!
Attempt 1
- Set "Set time automatically" to OFF.
- Set "Set time zone automatically" to OFF.
- Change your time / date to any date ("Change date and time").
- Restart your PC and try to launch TruckersMP.
Attempt 2
- Set "Set time automatically" and "Set time zone automatically" to ON again.
- Restart your PC and try to launch TruckersMP.
Attempt 3
- Set "Set time automatically" to OFF.
- Set "Set time zone automatically" to OFF.
- Change the date and time of your PC to the current real date / time of your location.
- Restart your PC and try to launch TruckersMP.
In case none of these steps has resolved your issue, set your settings back to the ones you had at the beginning and contact our support team here. If you need help with creating a ticket, take a look at this article