How to open a Support Ticket

Last update: 29 May 2024 16:28 UTC
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This article will help you to open a Support Ticket if you need a guide or encounter any problems while creating a ticket.

How to open a Support Ticket (with login access to your account)

  • To open a new Support ticket, head to our Support system or click on "Guides & Support" on the home page, and choose ‘’Support System’’.

  • Click on "Create a Ticket"

The next step is to enter in all relevant information. Below you can find a brief explanation of what each category is requesting. Please ensure you insert the correct information and fill out all fields.

Category: What is your issue regarding?

  • Account Issues: Any issue regarding your TruckersMP account. This could include passwords, emails, two-factor--authentication or similar issues.
  • Bug Report: Any bug you found in our services. This should be a TruckersMP bug. All bugs caused by the default game should get reported to SCS Software.
  • Questions: Any questions you may have regarding TruckersMP. This could be regarding our website, launcher, in-game related questions or similar.
  • Technical Issues: Any issues regarding your TruckersMP game. This could include TruckersMP Launcher issues, in-game issues (text/voice chat, server issues, etc.)


Language: What language is the support ticket in?

  • The language section is to allow the ticket to be responded to in the language you are most comfortable speaking. If your language is not listed, select English and we will attempt to find an appropriate response to your issue.


Windows: What Windows version is your PC running?

  • Please note that we only support 64-bit systems. If you run a 32-bit system, please upgrade or you will not be able to play TruckersMP. The Windows section is to let our Support team know what your PC specifications are, to perhaps narrow down what the issue could be.

If you are unsure of what your Windows version is, open your Control Panel, head to "System and Security" and then "System" where it will list your Windows Edition, as shown here:(


Platform: What platform is the issue regarding?

  • The platform section is asking if it is an issue regarding American Truck Simulator, Euro Truck Simulator, or both games. If you are unsure what to select, select Euro Truck Simulator 2.
  • If you have an issue with the website (two-factor-authentication problem, bug, etc.), select ‘’Website’’.


Priority: How urgent is your problem?

  • Low: I'm facing a problem/I've got a question/I've found a bug, but it's not needed to answer my ticket as soon as possible..
  • Medium: I'd like to get help soon, but everyone else who needs help first can be dealt with before me.
  • High: I need help as soon as possible.


Title: A summary of your issue

  • Under the subject section, you can type out a summary of a few words about what your issue is regarding. This could be simple as "login issue" or "game crash".


Description: A detailed version of your issue

  • This is where you will let our Support team know what your issue is, including any relevant information and/or screenshots that could assist with identifying and resolving the issue. It is important to be as detailed as possible to ensure a quick resolution by our staff.


Once you have filled out all the relevant information, ensure you read the box with the blue text, as this includes vital information in regards to your privacy and compliance information with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Once you have read the box and understand its contents, tick the box below and you are ready to submit your ticket!


How to open a Support Ticket (without login access to your account)

If you have lost access to your account, or if you cannot unlock your two-factor-authentication, you can click this link to create a ticket through your Steam account.

Viewing & Editing an existing ticket

To review any ticket you have made, head to our Support system and click on "View your existing tickets". Here the system will list any open and closed tickets your account has created. You are able to view any of these tickets at any time, and reply to any Support members their comments for active tickets, similar to our feedback and report system.




GGF MD's avatar


TruckersMP Support Team Leader
Former Support Manager

Full position history: Click here