Where to find and how to upload logs

Last update: 31 Mar 2024 20:59 UTC
Short link to this article: https://truckersmp.com/kb/1498

What logs are and why they are so useful

Because logs save everything your game does while it is loading or whilst you are playing, they make it very easy to find reasons for game or launcher crashes. There could even be an important error message that you might miss because it is not visible in the game.

You can easily share as many logs as needed with other players or our Support Team to further investigate your crashes. In this knowledge base article we will show you how to find and upload logs properly.

Where to find logs

Follow the steps below to find your game.log:

  1. Open your Windows file explorer
  2. Head over to “Documents”
  3. Click on the “Euro Truck Simulator 2” or “American Truck Simulator” folder
  4. Scroll through the list or search for “game.log”

Follow the steps below to find find your latest client_.log:

  1. Open your Windows file explorer
  2. Head over to “Documents”
  3. Open the “ETS2MP” or “ATSMP” folder
  4. Click the “logs” folder at the top
  5. Scroll through the list or search for your latest “client.log”.

How to share logs

Now that you know how to find your Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator logs, you can finally start uploading them and sharing them with other people. Most of the time, it is recommended to upload your logs to a website that can store the text online for a really long time. Since logs can often be very long, you should upload them one by one for the sake of clarity.

  1. Open the log you want to upload by double clicking the file and copy everything (CTRL + A, CTRL + C)
  2. Head over to https://pastebin.com/
  3. Paste the text you copied into the text field (CTRL + V)
  4. Once you are ready to upload your log, click on: “Create new paste”
  5. Copy the website URL or click on “Copy paste link to clipboard”

As soon as you have the pastebin link, you can share the log with multiple people or the Support Team. Just send them the URL you copied in step 5!

Things to check before uploading

  1. Open a log and check if it is up-to-date.
  2. There can be your local Windows account name in some logs, please make sure you are fine with that.
  3. Check if you are uploading the log as a whole and not only a part of it.

We hope this helps you to find, understand, and upload the logs mentioned in this article. If you have issues with any of the steps listed here, you are encouraged to reach out to the Support Team via truckersmp.com/support.