Commands, Keybinds & Settings

Last update: 02 Apr 2024 12:01 UTC
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  • /blockpm - Used to block / unblock private messages.
  • /channel [id] - Used to change CB Radio channels (0 = Deactivated).
  • /clear - Used to clear the chat history.
  • /disconnect - Used to disconnect from the server.
  • /fix - Used to fix your truck when a trailer is attached.
  • /follow [id] - Used to track another player’s location through the GPS.
  • /job-accept [id] - Accepts a job invite sent by another user via the Truck Delivery Dispatcher.
  • /job-decline [id] - Declines a job invite sent by another user via the Truck Delivery Dispatcher.
  • /pinfo [id] - Used to get the user information of a given player - Useful for when reporting on the website.
  • /players - Used to display how many players are on the server.
  • /pm [id] [message] - Used to send a private message to whoever has the provided server ID at the time.
  • /reply - Used to reply to the player who sent the most recent private message.
  • /search-name [name] - Used to find players with [name] within their name.
  • /search-tag [text] - Used to find players with [text] within their tag.
  • /server - display information about the current server
  • /tfm-presenter - Gets the current presenter/DJ on TruckersFM.
  • /tfm-request [message] - Sends a song request to TruckersFM.
  • /tfm-shoutout [message] - Sends a shoutout message to TruckersFM.
  • /tfm-song-current - Gets the current song playing on TruckersFM.
  • /tfm-song-previous - Gets the last song played on TruckersFM.
  • /tfm-traffic [message] - Send a traffic report message to TruckersFM.
  • /time - show current server time (UTC)
  • /toggle-group - Used to hide your group name and color (Patron Only)
  • /unfollow [id] - Used to stop tracking another player’s location through the GPS.
  • /vtc - Used to send a message to all VTC members which are connected to the same server.


  • [,] - Used to change to a lower CB channel.
  • [.] - Used to change to a higher CB channel.
  • [Y] - Used to open the chat menu, use [ENTER] to send your message.
  • [X] - Used to activate the CB Radio (voice chat), release to stop talking.
  • [TAB] - Used to show the nearby players, report, settings and previous players.
  • [F11] - Used to disable chat, nametags and the [TAB] menu.
  • [Mouse Right Click] - Used to activate the in-game mouse, to navigate the [TAB] menu.

Common Settings

You can access the TruckersMP settings by pressing [TAB] and clicking the “gear” icon.

  • Season Effects - Toggle falling snow effect
  • Discord rich presence - Allows you to appear as playing TruckersMP on Discord.
  • Tag - Set a custom tag and color that will be displayed next to your name.
  • Scale nametags - floating usernames and IDs will scale accordingly, depending on the user’s distance.
  • Speed limiter - Limits your maximum speed on Simulation servers to 90 km/h.
  • Default CB Radio channel - Changes the CB Radio channel which is enabled when you start the game.
  • Extended CB Radio sounds - Toggles the beep sound in the beginning and in the end of a CB Radio transmission.

Additionally, on the Graphics tab, “Additional lights” toggles drawing other players' beacon effects.

Engine sound type
You can change how the engine of other players’ vehicles sounds like. This was done to provide some diversity; while one option may sound better and detailed than the other, it might come with certain sound issues and limitations.

  • Game traffic - this is the default value and is primarily supported by TruckersMP. The downside is that these engine sounds are generic and all trucks (or cars) might sound the same. On top of it, most of the engine sound effects are missing, namely turbo, engine brake, and retarder.
  • Custom engine sounds - the engine sounds correspond to the truck engine and come with all effects. However, due to their complexity, sound glitches might appear. Support for this type is not guaranteed.

Chat Settings

These settings can also be accessed within the TruckersMP settings, by pressing [TAB], clicking the “gear” icon and then navigating to the ‘Interface’ tab.

  • The chat is automatically resized depending on resolution and screen size, but can also be manually scaled by adjusting the ‘HUD scale’ slider (between 80-120%).
  • Timestamps for messages in chat are shown by default, but this setting can be disabled by checking ‘Show timestamp of chat messages’.
  • The option to additionally display the in-game ID for a player who is mentioned is disabled by default, but can be enabled by checking ‘Show player’s ID for mentions’.
  • ‘Chat mouse input mode’ is automatically set to ‘Enabled’, meaning the cursor appears when chat is opened. This can be changed by selecting the other available options, such as ‘Disabled’ or ‘Enabled on mouse right button’ - this is ideal for those using mouse steering.