How to manage recruitment and blacklist
Last update: 28 May 2022 11:03 UTC
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This is a guide to explain how you can manage the recruitment and blacklist for your VTC.
Note: Make sure that your role has the correct permissions to manage the recruitment forms, applications, members and roles of your VTC.
(Learn more about VTC Permissions here)
When creating your VTC, you also need to know how you can create recruitment forms and accept new members into your VTC.
Recruitment forms
This first part will explain to you how you can create and manage the recruitment forms for your VTC.
Menu Button
- Open the Recruitment Forms page using the menu on the left side of your VTC page.
Recruitment Form Page
On this page, you can see a list of all the recruitment forms for your VTC. Depending on your permissions, you will see buttons to manage each form or create a new one.

Creating Recruitment Form
- Fill in all the details, such as the name, description, and order of the form which are required. Additionally, you can also select a colour (we suggest picking a darker colour, as this background will have the name of the form in white), open & close dates (if these are left empty, the form fill be indefinitely open).
- Click on the “Create” button to create the recruitment form. This form will be private, and will not be shown to members without the required permissions.
Adding Questions
- After creating a form, it will redirect you to the overview. Click on “Edit”
button on the form that you have just created.
- Towards the bottom you will find a new section “Form Builder”. To add a question to your form, click on the “+” button.
- Fill in the “label” which is the question you want to add and select a question type. And click the “Add Question”
button to add the question to the form.
- If you have added a question, click on the “Edit”
button to edit the settings of that question, depending on which question type, this will give you a couple of options.
- Repeat this step for as many questions as you need on your form. Once you are done, click on the “Update” button to update the form. Make sure to select the box to make the form active if you are ready to open this form to the public.
Please note that once a form has received an application, you will not be able to delete any questions from your form.
This second part will explain to you how you can manage and review the applications for your VTC.
Menu Button
- Open the Application Page using the menu on the left side of your VTC page.
- The number on the right is the number of open applications at that moment.

Application Page
On this page, you can see a list of all current and previous applications for your VTC.
- You can filter the application list by selecting the wanted filters at the top of the list and then click "Go".
- To view an application click on "View" on the right.

Reviewing Applications
On this page, you get a more detailed view of the application.
- To start you have to claim the application, click on "Reassign".
- Select who you want to assign it to and click "Reassign" again.
- Click on "In-Progress" to update the status.
- Now you can review the application:
- Get more information from the person that applied by clicking on the "i" icon in the top right.
- Read the comment by the applicant at the bottom of the page.
- You can also add a comment to the application at the bottom. This can either be a private (staff only) or public comment.

Declining Application
- To decline an application, click on "Decline".
- Then click "Yes" to confirm that you want to decline this application.
Accepting Application
- To accept an application, click on "Hire".
- Then, you need to select which role you want to assign to this applicant.
- After that, you can click on "Hire" again to confirm that you want to accept this applicant.

Now that you know how to accept new members into your VTC, this second part will explain how you can manage your VTC members.
Blacklisting a user from your VTC means that they will not be able to apply for your VTC.
Menu Button
- Open the Blacklist using the menu on the left of your VTC page.

- On this page, you can see the full list of blacklisted users for your VTC. You can sort the list in either ascending or descending order.
- To see why a user was blacklisted, you can click on "View" on the right of that user. This will then show you the notes of this user.

Adding a user to the Blacklist
- To add a user to the blacklist, click on the "Add member to the blacklist" button.
- A new page will open, on this page you have to fill in the SteamID64 of the user you want to ban. To get the Steam64ID you can do the following:
- Open the profile of the user you want to blacklist.
- Copy the Steam ID.

- Paste the ID into the field and add notes. It is recommended that you put the reasoning of why you are blacklisting the user in these notes.
- Once you are done click on "Create" and it will add the user to the blacklist of your VTC.
Edit Blacklist Entry
- To edit an entry in your blacklist, click on "Edit" on the right of the user.
- Here you can change the SteamID64 and the notes for this user.
- Once you have updated the information, click on "Update" to confirm your edit.

Removing a user from the Blacklist
- To remove a user from the blacklist, click on "Edit" on the right of that user.
- Then click on "Delete" and confirm that you want to delete them from the blacklist.